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10 Ways for Small Businesses to Show their Strength through Good Content

Small and medium enterprises often find it challenging to develop content for digital marketing campaigns. Here are 10 ways of writing b2b content that channel partners and influencers will find worth reading.

#1 Launch of New Brand, Product Category
If you’ve recently launched a new brand, or expanded into a new product category, talk about it in detail. Explain to your customers the purpose of the new brand, the story behind its logo and name, and how it helps to differentiate from your existing brand and identity.

In case of a new product category, explain how it compliments your existing categories, and what would be its market positioning. You could also talk about the certifications and technologies that you have acquired in this regard.

#2 Distributor Appointment
Always keep your business partners informed about your expanding network. It is essential to provide support to your distributors, the new ones in particular. By informing your customers about the new distributor, you not only secure his interest but also speed up the process of developing the market or territory where he is located. Develop a detailed press release informing about the appointment, his profile, market standing and contact details. Include quotes from your company’s leader and the distributor, as well as a joint photograph.

#3 Packaging, Logo Redesign
Communication about new packaging and logo is critical in today’s competitive world. Your customers may be used to the old packaging and logo, and may not readily recognise the new ones. Besides, there’s always a story behind the new development and logic regarding the design and colour scheme. Bring that story out in a well-written article, preferably in the words of the designer. Through such an article, you would show that you appreciate creativity and are ready to recognise the professionals who work for you.

#4 New Company Showroom/Display Centre
Company-owned showrooms or display centres play an important role in the overall marketing game plan of brand owners. Their establishment is not complete unless their purpose is clearly informed to the targeted customers.

What products are on display, what technologies have been incorporated to provide excellent customer experience, and what services would be provided to dealers and A+D customers, all this needs to be articulated. It is also vital to inform dealers and distributors that the display centre would not become a competing outlet, and that it would only provide them with marketing support.

#5 Expansion of Plant, New Plant Set Up
When you expand the plant or set up a new one, it’s an indication of the growth of your company as well as the industry. Your business partners need to know this if you want them to remain committed to you. Inform them about the new machines you have installed and how they will improve your products, how your capacity to supply will increase, and what new technologies have been incorporated. In case of a new factory, talk about its environment-friendly architecture, the reasons for choosing the particular location, and which regions it will service. Bring out the larger picture of your company, and how it is poised to become a countrywide operator.

#6 Patent/Copyright, Certification Filed
Filing for a patent or copyright, or obtaining certification, is a sign of your organisation’s growing technological strength. Substantial investments must have been made before any of these strengths could be acquired.

Tell your business partners what new technologies have been developed, who are the people behind this success, how your organisation is becoming more robust with these achievements, and how it would become easier to acquire new business from private and government customers. If business partners don’t know all this, they will never be able to market your products to their full potential.

#7 Commencement of Training Programme
Education and skill development are an ongoing activity at any progressive organisation. Owners or employees all need to be up-skilled for the enterprise to remain relevant in these fast-changing competitive times. Even business partners and influencers need to be up-skilled.

When you initiate education and skill development programmes, inform your network what you are doing and how it would benefit the lives and careers of the participants. This shows that your organisation is sensitive to their wellbeing and is inherently strong.

#8 Recognition/Award Received by Founders & Leaders
Very often the founders and other leaders of your organisation are recognised by the industry, government and society for their leadership. News about such recognition should be crafted into a press release, explaining the hard work done by the leader. Include specific details of how others benefited from this leadership, who the beneficiaries were, and what is the credibility of the organisation according recognition. The release should also mention how the leader will continue to work towards more milestones and how this leadership will benefit the company and society.

Business partners feel proud to be associated with a company whose leaders get recognised by society, and this builds loyalty.

#9 Collaboration/Tie-up Formalised
Nothing enthuses associates more than the news that their organisation has entered into collaboration or formalised a tie-up with another leader. Such news is a harbinger of new developments and competitive advantages in the market. However small the new association maybe, if it has value to you as an owner or leader, it has value to your business partners. So tell them in detail and make them feel happy that they are associated with you.

#10 Appointment of Key Person
When you appoint a new key person to your organisation, it means you are inducting talent which was previously not available. It also means that new policies will be formulated and new processes put in place. All persons and entities connected with your organisation would wonder what changes are likely to happen, and how they are going to be affected. This uncertainty must be cleared without delay.

Additionally, the new strengths that your organisation would be acquiring due to induction of the leader need to be announced. In the press release, get the key person to describe his experience and explain what his plans are for the future. Include a joint photo of him along with the organisation’s leader with beaming faces, and showing strong bonding.

Guidance for press release

  • Give specific headline and explanatory sub-heading
  • Avoid self-praise
  • Focus on present and future plans, not history
  • Ensure correct grammar and spellings
  • Include photos of spokesperson in action, with team, at plant, other settings
  • Mention contact details (email, mobile) for receiving queries

Written by Deepak Gupta, managing editor at Sourcing Hardware, the business media for the building products and home improvement industry.

We can assist you in creating quality content that helps in marketing your organisation. Write to us:


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