Di-electric Unions & Flange


SAKETH Exim offers Di-electric Unions & Flange, which are used in commercial and residential applications to prevent accelerated corrosion and deterioration in the piping system due to galvanic and stray current.Di-electrics are available with different end combinations to suit different pipe connections, like FPT steel &tube end brass or copper, FPT steel & FPT brass or copper, FPT steel & MPT brass or copper. They are ideal in applications such as hot water storage tanks, water and air-conditioners, processing tanks, steam, gas, and water piping. For Di-electric flange, the maximum pressure is 175psi, whereas for Di-electric union it is 250psi.

Tel: 0 7045686819
E-mail: hr1@tembo.in, sales@tembo.in
Website: www.nut-clamps.com



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